- ØShe placed electroencephalography (EEG) headsets on gamers and non-gamers, and asked them to watch a screen on which three rapid sequences of letters appeared simultaneously.Ø The EEG headsets tracked electrical signals in the brain, allowing Bevelier to measure how much attention the volunteer was allocating to the task and to the distraction.Ø "The big difference was action video gamers are better at ignoring irrelevant, distracting visual information, and so made better decisions," she says.Ø Gamers and non-gamers were equally able to focus their attention on the target sequences, but the gamers performed better and had quicker reaction times.

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Useful links
Dr. Daphne Bavelier- http://liftconference.com/people/dr-daphne-bavelier Don't miss the interview! - Was there any gender bias? Dec/2012
Dr. C. Shawn Green - http://sharpbrains.com/blog/2012/05/21/dr-c-shawn-green-on-training-conditions-for-video-games-to-result-in-real-brain-based-benefits/ Find here more relevant studies. http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052970203458604577263273943183932.
POSITIVE VIDEO GAMES -http://latestvideogamess.blogspot.com/2014/11/positivevideogames.html |
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Drs. Bavelier and Green continued . . .
Her team has also shown that action gamers may have stronger vision.
They can better distinguish between different shades of grey, called contrast
sensitivity, which is important when driving at night and in other poor
visibility situations, and is affected by ageing and undermined in those with
amblyopia, or "lazy eye". They also have better visual acuity, which
is what opticians measure when they ask you to read lines of ever smaller
letters from a chart at distance.
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Drs. Bavelier and Green continued . . .
She asked groups of non-gamers to play 50 hours of Unreal
Tournament 2004 or Call of Duty 2, or to play the slower, non-action game, The
Sims 2, over nine weeks.
By the end of the study, the contrast sensitivity of those who
trained on action games had improved more than those who played The Sims 2, and
the benefits lasted for at least five months. Other researchers at the
University of California, Berkeley, showed that adults with lazy eyes who spent
40 hours playing video games with their good eyes patched could improve their
ability to distinguish smaller letters on such charts.
The higher scores were not seen in those asked to do other
visually demanding tasks such as reading and knitting with their good eyes
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